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Table 4 Lambda hotspot cross results in haploid alleles of rec BD fusion mutants

From: Construction of recB-recD genetic fusion and functional analysis of RecBDC fusion enzyme in Escherichia coli

rec alleles*

λ Recombination Frequency (%J+R+)#

Chi Activity#

rec BCD

7.48 ± 1.86

6.03 ± 0.78

rec B21

0.13 ± 0.08

1.06 ± 0.09

rec D1013

6.33 ± 1.24

1.23 ± 0.16

rec BD2728

5.82 ± 0.83

5.20 ± 0.28

rec BD2729

7.5 ± 1.25

6.69 ± 0.88

  1. * Strains are transformants of V2831 (Δrec BCD2731) with the indicated rec alleles on the chromosome except rec B21 and rec D1013 which are derivatives of V66 (rpsL 31).