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Figure 3 | BMC Biochemistry

Figure 3

From: Enzymatic synthesis of long double-stranded DNA labeled with haloderivatives of nucleobases in a precisely pre-determined sequence

Figure 3

Assessment of various DNA polymerases for their ability to incorporate BrdU. Complete and incomplete specific incorporation reactions (Figure 1) were carried out with 5 DNA Polymerases: Bst exo- (thermophilic), T4 (mesophilic), Taq (thermophilic), OptiTaq (thermophilic blend) and Pfu (hyperthermophilic) in the presence of BrdUTP. Lanes M, Perfect 100 bp Ladder; lane 1, PCR 1 fragment (379 bp); lane 2, BsaI-cleaved PCR 1 fragment; lane 3, PCR 2 fragment (625 bp); lane 4, BsaI-cleaved PCR 2 fragment; lane 5, BsaI restriction fragments: I (363 bp) and III (609 bp). Lanes 6-18 reactions with specified DNA Polymerases: lane 6, restriction fragments: I and III, T4; lane 7, restriction fragments: I and III, Bst exo- ; lane 8, restriction fragments: I and III, Bst exo- , T4 DNA Ligase; lane 9, restriction fragments: I and III, T4; lane 10, restriction fragments: I and III, T4, T4 DNA Ligase; lane 11, restriction fragments: I and III, Taq; lane 12, restriction fragments: I and III, Taq, T4 DNA Ligase; lane 13, restriction fragments: I and III, OptiTaq; lane 14, restriction fragments: I and III, OptiTaq, T4 DNA Ligase; lane 15, restriction fragments: I and III, Tfl; lane 16, restriction fragments: I and III, Tfl, T4 DNA Ligase; lane 17, restriction fragments: I and III, Pfu; lane 18, restriction fragments: I and III, Pfu, T4 DNA Ligase. I, III BsaI restriction fragments numbered as in Figure 1.

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