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Figure 1 | BMC Biochemistry

Figure 1

From: Biochemical characterization of three putative ATPases from a new type IV secretion system of Aeromonas veronii plasmid pAC3249A

Figure 1

Organization of the pAc2349A tra region. Different fillings of the orf s are indicative of the putative role of the deduced protein. traB is the gene coding for a putative lytic transglycosylase (homologous to VirB1 of the Agrobacterium T-DNA transfer system). Dotted segments represent putative components of pilus assembly whereas thin lined segments represent proteins forming the core complex. Thick lined segments code for three putative ATPases; TraE and TraJ show the conserved nucleotide binding site motif A (Walker A box) and a motif B (Walker B box) of proteins belonging to the VirB4 and VirB11 family of nucleoside triphosphate binding proteins respectively. TraK is a member of the pfam02534 family of TraG/TrwB/TraD/VirD4 coupling proteins. It shows the P-loop motif (Walker A box) and a Walker B motif for nucleotide binding.

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