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Figure 1 | BMC Biochemistry

Figure 1

From: Insights into the role of Val45 and Gln182 of Escherichia coli MutY in DNA substrate binding and specificity

Figure 1

Sequence Alignment. The protein sequences of B. stearothermophilus MutY (1VRLA, BsMutY), E. coli MutY (AP 003518, EcMutY), T. thermophilus MutY (YP 145164, TthMutY), and M. thermoautotrophicum Mig.Mth I (P 29588, Mig) were aligned using ClustalW algorithm. The open and shadowed boxes represent conserved and identical residues respectively. The two residues subjected to mutation in this study are shaded in black. The highly conserved HhH-GPD motif is indicated. Filled circles indicate EcMutY residues involved in adenine binding and stars indicate Mig.Mth 1 residues important for thymine recognition. The hollow circle and triangle mark the base flipper and the conserved catalytic Asp, respectively.

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