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Fig. 4 | BMC Biochemistry

Fig. 4

From: Effect of IAPP on the proteome of cultured Rin-5F cells

Fig. 4

Quantitative analysis of the data obtained from the RT-PCR experiment. The amount of each protein (peroxiredoxin1, Superoxide dismutase Cu Zn, Protein disulfide isomerase A3, PCNA, Elongation factor 2 and 14–3-3 protein zeta delta) was initially normalized against the expression level of the GAPDH housekeeping gene. To obtain the ratio of expression, the amount of each protein expressed in IAPP treated cells was divided by its corresponding amounts in the untreated cells. The experiment was repeated three times. The average ratio for each protein was then compared to its corresponding average ratio obtained from the mass spectrometry data. Vertical bars indicate standard deviations n = 3

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