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Figure 1 | BMC Biochemistry

Figure 1

From: Mapping of possible prion protein self-interaction domains using peptide arrays

Figure 1

Analysis of MBP-PrP and MBP expression and MBP-PrP digestion by Factor Xa. Lane 1 contains untreated MBP-PrP, whereas lane 2 contains a mock digestion of MBP-PrP. MBP-PrP was digested with 1% w/w factor Xa and during digestion samples were taken at 2, 4, 7 and 24 hours (lanes 3,4,5 and 6 respectively). All samples were run on SDS-PAGE and the gel was stained with Sypro Orange (total protein stain, panel A) before western blotting and subsequent immunodetection using either a PrP-specific monoclonal antibody (9A2, panel B) or MBP-specific monoclonal antibody (α-MBP, panel C). Expression of MBP, expressed from the pMAL-c2X vector with no insert (MBP-β-gal α fragment), was analyzed by Western Blot using either 9A2 or α-MBP (lane 7, panel A & C respectively)

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