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Figure 5 | BMC Biochemistry

Figure 5

From: Selective inhibition of c-Myb DNA-binding by RNA polymers

Figure 5

Comparison of A-, B- and c-Myb's poly(G) inhibition. A-, B- and c-Myb NR1R2R3 (40 fmol each) were incubated separately with 20 fmol radiolabelled MRE-containing DNA probe, 0.5 ng poly(G) (lane 2),1 ng poly(G) (lane 3), 5 ng poly(G) (lane 4) and 100 ng poly(A) (lane 5). Homoribopolymers and proteins were first incubated for 15 minutes at 25°C. Then the DNA-probe was added to the mixtures and subjected to a new incubation of the same time and temperature. The binding reactions were analyzed by EMSA and autoradiography. The extra incubation step without probe was added to the experimental setup because it enhanced the inhibitory effect (lanes marked R in Fig. 3).

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