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Figure 6 | BMC Biochemistry

Figure 6

From: Function, expression and localization of annexin A7 in platelets and red blood cells: Insights derived from an annexin A7 mutant mouse

Figure 6

Platelet aggregation curves from platelet rich plasma of annexin A7 knock out and wild type mice. The transmission values were measured with an APACT photometer and aggregation was initiated by adding ristocetin. The first thirty seconds are given. Constant platelet counts were used throughout all experiments. The aggregation curve data were analysed for slope values, the maximal aggregation amplitude of every single curve was set to 100 %. Both murine curves differ significantly at a time point of seven seconds after platelet initiation, the mutant shows a slightly lower aggregation velocity (p = 0.0287, n knock out = 16, n wild type = 15, mean knock out = 67.7 % transmission, mean wild type = 77.1 % transmission, standard error knock out = 8.3 % transmission, standard error wild type = 13.8 % transmission). Murine platelets react immediately to the initiating chemical and show no lag phase like the normal human platelets. For comparison of the range of the platelet impairment slightly affected human platelets are shown as well (von Willebrand syndrome).

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