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Figure 3 | BMC Biochemistry

Figure 3

From: The endocannabinoid anandamide is a precursor for the signaling lipid N-arachidonoyl glycine by two distinct pathways

Figure 3

Chromatograms of the tandem mass spectrometric (MS) method for deuterium-labeled N -arachidonoyl glycine (D 2 NAGly) in which the parent mass in negative mode [362.3]- is paired fragment mass of deuterium-labeled glycine [76.0]- or the non-deuterium-labeled N -arachidonoyl glycine (D 0 NAGly) that has a parent mass in negative ion mode of [360.3]- and a paired fragment mass of glycine [74.0]-. A) Chromatogram of an MS scan for the 362.3/76 pair from RAW 267.4 cell extracts that were incubated with deuterium-labeled anandamide (D4AEA). B) Chromatogram of the MS scan for the 360.3/74 pair with the synthesized D0NAGly standard (std). C) Overlay of the two independent scans.

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